1981 Scientific Publications
3112, 1981
A method for the assessment of occupational hygiene services in an industrial area in South Africa
Author: Buch E, Hilton A P, Lowe R E, Rendal REG, Zwi AB. Source: Summary: NULL
3112, 1981
Attempts to demonstrate short-term metabolic effects of vinyl chloride in normal rat liver
Author: Brenner EA, Manchester KL, Webster I, Cantrell AC. Source: American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1981; 2:153-159. Summary: NULL
3112, 1981
Body surface area of the chacma baboon (papio ursinus)
Author: Van As A, Lombard F. Source: Growth. 1981; 45:322-328. Summary: NULL
3112, 1981
Comparison of a graphite tube micromethod for the determination of serum iron and total iron-binding capacity with spectrophotometric techniques
Author: Baily P, R�llin HB, Kilroe-Smith TA. Source: Microchemical Journal. 1981; 26:250-261. Summary: NULL
3112, 1981
Manifestations of cellular immunity in the rat after prolonged asbestos inhalation. II. Alveolar macrophage-induced specific lymphocyte prolifration
Author: Miller K, Kagan E. Source: Env Res. 1981; 26:182-194. Summary: NULL