Manifestations of cellular immunity in the rat after prolonged asbestos inhalation. 1. Physical interactions between alveolar macrophages and splenic lymphocytes
Authors: Miller K, Weintraub Z, Kagan E. Source: Journal of [...]
Authors: Miller K, Weintraub Z, Kagan E. Source: Journal of [...]
Authors: Myers G, Quirk J, Poplak V. Source: S Afr [...]
Authors: Irwig LM, du Toit RSJ, Sluis-Cremer GK, Solomon A, [...]
Authors: Baily P, Norval E, Kilroe-Smith TA, Skikne MI, R�llin [...]
Author: Rendall R E G Source: In: Shapiro HA Ed. [...]
Authors: Kilroe-Smith TA, McLoughlin JL. Source: Chem Biol Interact. 1979; [...]
Authors: Baily P, Kilroe-Smith TA, R�llin HB, Goldstein B. Source: [...]
Authors: Solomon A, Irwig LM, Sluis-Cremer GK, Glyn Thomas R, [...]
Authors: Solomon A, Sluis-Cremer GK, Goldstein B. Source: Environmental Research. [...]
Authors: Johnston JR, Butchart AM, Kgamphe SJ. Source: Environ. Res. [...]