The capacity for physical work of the white miners in South Africa. I. the effects of age, weight and height of miners
Authors: Wyndham CH, Sluis-Cremer GK. Source: S Afr Med J. [...]
Authors: Wyndham CH, Sluis-Cremer GK. Source: S Afr Med J. [...]
Authors: Timbrell V, Gilson J C And Webster I Source: [...]
Authors: Timbrell V, Gibson JC, Webster I. Source: International Journal [...]
Authors: Sluis-Cremer GK, Sichel HS. Source: American review of respiratory [...]
Authors: Prinsloo I, Webster I. Source: South African Medical Journal. [...]
Author: South African Pneumoconiosis Review. Number 3. 1967 Source: Council [...]
Author: Fitschen W. Source: SA Journal Medical Sciences. 1968; 33:79-89.
Author: Source: P.R.U. 1968. No. 2/69.
Authors: King HWS, Fitschen W. Source: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. [...]
Authors: Fitschen W, Webster I. Source: Medicina del lavoro. 1968; [...]