Neuropsychological assessment of organic solvent effects in South Africa: test selection, adaptation, scoring and validation issues
Authors: Nell V, Myers J, Colvin M, Rees D. Source: [...]
Authors: Nell V, Myers J, Colvin M, Rees D. Source: [...]
Authors: Rees D. Source: SA Fam Prac Manual. 1993; 4:4.58-4.59.
Authors: Oxman AD, Muir DCF, Shannon HS, Stock SR, Hnizdo [...]
Author: Davies JCA. Source: S Afr Med J. 1993;83:64.
Authors: Rees D, Schneider H. Source: S Afr Med J. [...]
Authors: Gulumian M, Bhoolia DJ, Theodorou P, Rollin HB, Pollak [...]
Author: Sluis-Cremer GK. Source: Am J Ind Med. 1993; 23(3):511.
Author: Lalloo UG. Source: Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, [...]
Authors: Hnizdo E, Sluis-Cremer GK. Source: Am J Ind Med. [...]
Authors: Puolakkainen M, Kuo C, Shor A, Wang S, Grayston [...]