Institutional Repository

IS commitment is to stewardship of digital materials, including long term preservation, organisation, access and distribution of content
An institutional repository is an online collection for, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. The NIOH is currently in the process of instituting a repository that will be housed and managed by the Information Services Section.
What is it?
Set of services that NHLS will provide for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the organisations community members. IS commitment is to stewardship of digital materials, including long term preservation, organisation, access and distribution of content.
What are the benefits?
- High visibility and international readership in your field
- Provides centralisation of one’s research output and long term preservation
- Facilitates development and sharing of digital materials and aids
- Provides an opportunity for collaborative projects on a global scale
Whose content is submitted?
NHLS community members (NHLS employees, researchers, students funded by NHLS)
Copyright Implications?
- Before submission of any item to the IR, copyright permission is obtained from the copyright owner-publisher
- Some journals allow authors to openly post a copy of their articles.
Useful links:
Contact details:
For more information, contact Ms Talifhani Ramaliba on: (+27)11 712 6474 |