Library Services
Circulation/ Borrowing:
The library material can only be issued to internal users. External users may use the material inside the library and make copies where necessary.
Onsite End User Electronic Service:
Access to internet connected computer workstations allowing users to search and retrieve information from online databases, electronic library catalogue and other internet resources
Interlibrary Loans (ILL):
The library subscribes to SABINET (South African Bibliographic Information Network) which allows us to share information sources with other institutions nationally and internationally. ILL is a gateway to library materials held by other libraries in Southern Africa and abroad. By participating in national and international interlending scheme, we are able to provide NIOH/NHLS staff with a vast amount of library material that is not available at NIOH library. In addition to borrowing materials from other libraries for our users, we also lend out books and supply copies of journal articles, conference papers, and theses to other libraries in the interlending network.
Reference/ Information Queries:
The library staff responds to e-mail, face to face and telephone queries relating to occupational health & safety information and help with locating specific information sources and information about library operations.
Current Awareness:
Circulation of content pages of new journals to internal users, alerting users about internet sites of value, online database trials, free databases and open access journals.
Observing and adhering to the Copyright Act, the library offers a photocopy service to its users.
Online Public Access Catalogue:
An online public access catalog is an online database of materials held by a library.
Users search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material available at a library.