NIOH (a division of the NHLS) to roll-out Covid-19 National Occupational Health Surveillance System (OHSS)
NIOH (a division of the NHLS) to roll-out Covid-19 National Occupational Health Surveillance System (OHSS) Johannesburg [22 February 2021]: The National Department of Health and Department of Employment and Labour have directed the [...]
COVID-19: These are the women who make up the NIOH COVID-19 Occupational Health Outbreak Response Task Team
National Women’s Day – 9 August 2020 Mitigating COVID-19: These are the women who make up the NIOH COVID-19 Occupational Health Outbreak Response Task Team Today, we salute NIOH's extraordinary occupational health experts who are [...]
1) What is coronavirus? Coronaviruses are an extremely common cause of colds and other upper respiratory infections. 2) What is COVID-19? COVID-19, short for "coronavirus disease 2019," is the official name given by the World [...]
COVID-19 Factsheets for Workplaces
Workplace Toolkit This NIOH has devised fact sheets that are based on what is currently known about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The National Institute for Occupational Health will update this interim guidance [...]
COVID-19 Training Schedule: Week 16-19 March
NIOH COVID-19 Training Schedule: Week 16-19 March 2020
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