1965 Scientific Publications
3112, 1969
A post mortem contrast method to study the bronchi, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and bronchial arteries
Authors: Blignaut JSF, Solomon A. Source: SA Journal Of Med Lab Tech. 1969; 15 no 1:10-12.
3112, 1965
Preliminary experiments on the effect of persantin on the animal heart
Authors: Keegan DJ, Webster I. Source: S Afr Med J. 1966; 40:429-433.
3112, 1965
Some biologically active substances produced by the action of silica and their possible significance
Authors: Webster I, Henderson CI, Marasas LW, Keegan DJ. Source: Inhaled particles and Vapours II. Pergamon Press:Oxford and New York, 1966. pp 111-120.
3112, 1965
Asbestosis in South Africa – certain geographical and environmental considerations
Author: Sluis-Cremer GK. Source: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1965; 132:215-234.
3112, 1965
The determination of the degree of emphysema on autopsy material
Author: Prinsloo I. Source: Laboratory Investigation. 1966; 15 no. 6:947-961.