1967 Scientific Publications
3112, 1967
Some biologically active substances produced by the action of silica and their possible significance
Authors: Webster I, Henderson CI, Marasas LW, Keegan DJ. Source: CN Davies, editor. Inhaled particles and vapours II . Pergamon, 1967. pp 11-120.
3112, 1967
The fibrogenic effect of various South African mineral dusts on the lungs of experimental animals
Authors: Goldstein B, Webster I, Rendall REG. Source: H Reploh and HJ Einbrodt, editors. Fortschritte der Staublungenforschung, band 2: 507-510. Bericht �ber die V. Internationale Staublungentagung vom 19-21 April in M�nster, Dinslaken: Niederrheinische Druckerei.
3112, 1967
Ventilatory function in relation to mining experience and smoking in a random sample of miners and non-miners in a Witwatersrand town
Authors: Sluis-Cremer GK, Walters LG, Sichel HS. Source: British Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1967; 24 no 1:13-25.