1976 Scientific Publications
3112, 1976
The in vitro effect of zinc on the inhibition of human d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase by lead
Authors: Border EA, Cantrell AC, Kilroe-Smith TA. Source: British Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1976; 33:85-87.
3112, 1976
The in vivo effects of asbestos on macrophage membrane structure and population characteristics of macrophages: a scanning electron microscope study.
Authors: Miller K, Kagan E. Source: J Reticuloendothel Soc. 1976; 20(2):159-171.
3112, 1976
The obligations of medical practitioners in relation to the new Mines and Works Act
Authors: Goldstein B, Webster I. Source: S Afr Med J. 1976; 50:975-977.
3112, 1976
The visceral pleura in asbestosis
Authors: Solomon A, Webster I. Source: Environmental Research. 1976; 11:128-134.
3112, 1976
A hexagonal model for amphibian protein yolk
Authors: Skikne MI. Source: Proc Electron Microscopy Soc SA. 1976; 6:15-16.