1979 Scientific Publications
3112, 1979
The effects of sodium arsenate on the free amino acid levels in erythrocytes and plasma in rats
Authors: Kilroe-Smith TA, McLoughlin JL. Source: Chem Biol Interact. 1979; 28:161-170.
3112, 1979
The rapid determination of microgram amounts of total collagen in pathological lesions
Authors: Baily P, Kilroe-Smith TA, R�llin HB, Goldstein B. Source: Microchemical Journal. 1979; 24:192-198.
3112, 1979
Thickening of pulmonary interlobar fissures: exposure-response relationship in crocidolite and amosite miners
Authors: Solomon A, Irwig LM, Sluis-Cremer GK, Glyn Thomas R, Du Toit RSJ. Source: British Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1979; 36:195-198.
3112, 1979
Visceral pleural plaque formation in asbestosis
Authors: Solomon A, Sluis-Cremer GK, Goldstein B. Source: Environmental Research. 1979; 19:258-264.