1995 Scientific Publications
3112, 1995
Occupational asthma in South Africa
Authors: Rees D, Felix MA, Panter C, Weiner R, Roodt L. Source: Occ H SA. 1995;1:13-16.
3112, 1995
Occupational asthma: seek and you shall find?
Author: Rees D. Source: SA Resp J. 1995;1(2):22-23
3112, 1995
Occupational disease trends in black South African gold miners: an autopsy study.
Authors: Murray J, Kielkowski D, Reid P. Source: Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1995 (in press).
3112, 1995
Occupational health monitoring practices of registered mercury using workplaces within the PWV area.
Authors: Weiner R, Ross M. Source: S Afr Med J. 1995 (in press).
3112, 1995
Platinum salt sensitivity in refinery workers: incidence and effects of smoking and exposure.
Authors: Calverley AE, Rees D, Dowdeswell RJ, Linnett PJ, Kielkowski D. Source: Occup Environ Med. 1995;52:661-666.