1995 Scientific Publications
3112, 1995
Skin prick tests to common allergens in adult worker populations living at high altitude.
Authors: Roodt L, Rees D, Bielich M. Source: Current Allerg Clin Immunol. 1995; 7(4):9.
3112, 1995
Smoking behaviour can be predicted by neighbourhood deprivation measures.
Authors: Kleinschmidt I, Hills M, Elliot P. Source: J Epid Com Health. 1995;49:S72-S77.
3112, 1995
Tests for sensitisation in occupational medicine practice – the soy bean example.
Authors: Roodt L, Rees D. Source: S Afr Med J. 1995;85(6):522-525.
3112, 1995
The cholinesterase enzyme reaction and pesticide inhibition.
Authors: Rama DBK. Source: African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety. 1995;5:17-19.
3112, 1995
Total IgE levels in a rural pedi population in the North Eastern Transvaal.
Authors: Roodt L, Felix M, Wadee AA. Source: SA J Epid Infect. 1995;10(3):79-82.