1996 Scientific Publications
3112, 1996
Can microwave radiation reduce the toxicity of fibrous asbestos mineral?
Authors: Gulumian M, Nkosibomvu ZL, Channa K, Pollak H. Source: Environ Health Perspect (in press).
3112, 1996
Data requirements for epidemiological research.
Authors: Kleinschmidt I. Source: Newsletter of the Mine Medical Officers’ Association of South Africa (January). 1996
3112, 1996
Induction of primate Th2 lymphokines to suppress Th1 cells.
Authors: Smit JA, Stark JH, Myburgh JA. Source: Transplant Proc. 1996;28:665.
3112, 1996
Industrial mercury use within the Gauteng Province.
Authors: Weiner R, Ross M. Source: Occup. Health in SA. 1996;2(2):30-31.
3112, 1996
Interprimate stem cell transplantation.
Authors: Stark JH, Smit JA, Lyons SF, Nel M, Burke J, Mokoena T. Source: Transplant Proc. 1996;28:845.