1996 Scientific Publications
3112, 1996
Occupational disease trends in black South African gold miners: an autopsy-based study.
Authors: Murray J, Kielkowski D, Reid P. Source: Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1996;153:706-710.
3112, 1996
Occupational health monitoring practices or registered mercury using workplaces within Gauteng.
Authors: Weiner R, Ross M. Source: SAMJ. 1996;86:943-946.
3112, 1996
Occupational health nurses and occupational hygiene: an attitude study.
Authors: Lowe R and Rees D. Source: AAOHN. 1996; 44(6):1-6.
3112, 1996
Selecting biomonitoring action levels for occupationally exposed populations.
Authors: Rees D, Panter C, Felix M, Weiner R, Wilford J. Source: Occup. Health in SA. 1996;2(2):25.
3112, 1996
Similarity of nickel distribution in leaf tissue of two distantly hyperaccumulating species.
Authors: Mesjasz-Przybylowicz J, Balkwill K, Przybylowicz WJ, Annegarn HJ, Rama DBK. Source: LJG van der Maesen et al., editors. The Biodiversity of African Plants.Kluver Academic Publishers:Netherlands, 1996.