Genotoxicity Unit

Figure 1: Comet assay (left) and micronucleus assay (right) are both used to assess genotoxicity

This Unit is able of screening compounds, such as chemicals, particulates and nanomaterial, using validated in vitro genotoxicity and cytotoxicity test systems, all performed under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) guidelines.

Genotoxic tests are designed to experimentally determine the ability a compounds to adversely affect the genetic material (DNA), in so doing damaging the genetic material either directly or indirectly in cells.
The Genotoxicity assays include:

  • Comet Assay or Single cell gel electrophoresis
  •  In vitro Micronucleus Assay

For more Information about the Genotoxicity Unit, contact:

Head of Toxicology
Dr Natasha Sanabria
Tel: +27(0)11-712-6471

Head of Toxicology Research Projects
Prof Mary Gulumian
Tel: +27(0)11-712-6428