Wits Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (PG DOH): Occupational Medicine

The diploma is for medical doctors in possession of a MBChB, MBBCh or equivalent
The Wits School of Public Health, in association with the National Institute for Occupational Health, offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (PG DOH) over two years part-time, with four, week long blocks per year, and examinations at the end of each year.
Who qualifies to study the PG DOH?
The PG DOH is for medical doctors in possession of an MBChB, MBBCh or equivalent qualification acceptable to the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for registration as an independent medical practitioner in South Africa. The incumbent should be someone who works or intends to work in occupational health in the public or private sector. Students who complete the programme will have the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work as occupational medicine practitioners, appointed under the Mine Health and Safety Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the respective regulations.
The Wits PG DOH programme has five pillars which cover legislative, ethical and policy frameworks, occupational health services, common occupational diseases, toxicology and occupational hygiene.
The objectives of the PG DOH programme is for students to:
- Gain a holistic understanding of the comprehensive Occupational Health pathway from prevention of occupational diseases, through to diagnosis, medical surveillance, biological monitoring, fitness to work and compensation
- Highlight the role of the OMP in Occupational Health (and Safety) within a multidisciplinary dimension
- Consolidate knowledge on the legislative and policy frameworks within the business context at national, regional and global levels.
Visit the website for more info related to course structure, content and applications here.
PG DOH Academic Enquiries (Course Content-Related)
Dr Moyagabo Setlhakoe
Occupational Medicine Specialist
E-mail: moyagabo.setlhakgoe@wits.ac.za
PG DOH Administrative Enquiries
Mr Oscah Molife
Course Coordinator
Occupational Health Division
School of Public Health
Tel: +27(0)11 717 2314
E-mail: oscah.molife@wits.ac.za